Monday, August 4

Yummy Activities for Nutrition Month

July is the Nutrition Month and our school celebrated our love for nutritious food through two fun events

First is Our Little Cafe' which has been a much-awaited annual event in the school. It's when our little cute pupils would dress into waiters and waitresses outfit to run a mini restaurant and serve nutritious food to their parents. This year, our nursery pupils did a very great job in playing little restaurant helpers. The parents who came as guests were so impressed seeing their kids working so hard and so focused on their individual tasks.

Take a look at our nursery pupils at work here.

Our preparatory pupils had their cooking skills put to test with our second activity: The Iron Chef-MLM. It was a fun and hilarious take on the famous Iron Chef show in Food Network. The kids and their parents had a blast preparing a dish using our secret ingredient: the avocado.

Here are some pics from the event